English Language Development » English Language Development

English Language Development


Nipomo High offers a variety of services to our students for whom English is not their first language. Our goal is to support our students in the rigorous coursework that Nipomo offers. Students are placed on a traditional path towards graduation. 


Depending on the level of support needed, students have a variety of options. Students still acquiring basic reading, writing and communication skills are placed in an ELD English class. The purpose of this course is to provide students with targeted language development and to support academic language development across content areas. Reading, writing, listening, and speaking are all skills targeted in this course. 


Students that have demonstrated a solid foundation in their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills are enrolled in one of two ELD support classes. Each of these courses target reading and writing as tools for learning rather than just tools for communication. Students are engaged in a variety of reading and writing activities designed to increase their access to core content areas. In addition to a focus on reading and writing, the class focuses on developing student advocacy and foundational academic skills such as organization and time management. 


Here’s a couple videos about the importance of bilingualism:


