Co-Curricular Graduation Regalia
Student Leadership
Being part of NHS leadership is about demonstrating Titan P.R.I.D.E. The following criteria must be met for the student to earn a leadership medal to be worn during the graduation ceremony.
During their senior year, the student must:
- Be enrolled in an Associated Student Body Leadership Class: ASB, LINK Crew or FFA
- Maintain GPA requirement of the leadership class, minimum of at least 2.5 through Mark 7.
- Write a thank you letter to a staff member that has impacted the student throughout his/her time at NHS by Mark 7.
- Be involved in other extracurricular activities (sport, club, etc.)
- Demonstrate good character on and off campus, as observed by the class advisor
- Student leaders must be in good standing with their leadership contract
- Students must model behavioral expectations.
- Student discipline record review to be held by advisor and area administrator through Mark 7. (suspensions, Saturday schools, detentions, or activity bans)
- Exceed the minimum required Service Hours Get To’s and Above and Beyonds (A’s & B’s)
- *FFA Must have 10 Activity Credits Per Semester, involvement in CDE or LDE beyond Opening & Closing Ceremonies
The leadership graduation regalia will be awarded to seniors who satisfy the above requirements. Any ASB, LINK Crew or FFA leadership student not meeting the above requirements, may appeal to the leadership advisor panel for final review. Appeal verdicts made by the advisor panel are final.